IVC Cordis® Litigation Update Webinar
May 13, 2016
Brenes Law Group is pleased to announce that Troy Brenes will be moderating and lecturing at AAJ Education’s IVC Cordis® Litigation Update Webinar which will take place on Wednesday, May 18, 2016 from 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm ET. Recent studies have revealed that the TrapEase® and OptEase® inferior vena cava filters may be subject to many of the same design and manufacturing problems alleged to exist with the Bard and Cook manufactured filters. Some studies report fracture rates for chronically placed filters of up to 50%. Other studies report that not only is there no reliable evidence indicating that these devices are efficacious, but that their design may actually cause blood clots to develop.
Mr. Brenes, along with Moze Cowper and John Dalimonte, will be discussing liability issues, the growing library of important medical literature, and the fast developing litigation. To register, please click on the link above.